About Senju


Senju Sprinkler, a Japanese fire suppression manufacturer with over 50 years of experience in designing reliable automatic fire sprinklers and holds an impressive 75% market share in Japan. Combined using its exclusive solder materials and customization capabilities, Senju Sprinkler ensures high-quality fire sprinklers which are extremely durable and aesthetically appealing. Senju Sprinkler prides itself on providing exceptional service to all customers worldwide. 

Today, Senju Sprinkler has branded itself in providing high-end quality and high-performance sprinklers matched with a wide variety of standard finishes to choose from. Additionally, Senju has expanded their flat concealed sprinkler models to cover a wide range of residential and commercial applications by striving to offer the best optimal specifications as well as retain its aesthetically pleasing cover plate selection. There are over 14-different standard cover plate finishes to choose from including wood-grain patterns. Even if a standard finish is not available, Senju Sprinkler has custom matching capabilities to match almost any pattern requested. Each year, Senju Sprinkler is continuously developing new sprinklers to match the needs of its customers and marketplace in the Fire Sprinkler Industry.

Interested in seeing our Sprinkler Collection?
Click here for more: https://senjuonline.com/collections

Download the 2020 Senju Sprinkler Catalog


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