August 30, 2016
Fire accidents come from various sources and are widely spread in a matter of minutes, if not seconds. According to the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), a fire can grow from a small flame to fully engulfing a room in less than three minutes. Although it is very hazardous, it is also easily preventable.
The most important safety feature of a residential home is the installation of smoke alarms and fire sprinklers. FEMA notes that sprinklers, coupled with smoke alarms, can increase your chance of surviving a fire by more than 82 percent—and reduce home fire damage by up to 97 percent. One reason why smoke alarms are valuable is because fire sprinklers are activated only when it comes in contact with heat, but it doesn’t activate when there is smoke, which is usually the start of what could potentially be a big fire. Smoke alarms are triggered by smoke and therefore, although smoke alarms doesn’t have the ability to actually extinguish a fire, it can definitely warn and alert residents so that they can either immediately evacuate a property or stop the situation causing the alarm to go off before it turns to a big fire. Smoke alarms should also be replaced every ten years to ensure proper working conditions, and the manufacturing date may be found on the back of the alarm.
Always keep in mind that fire sprinklers can extinguish fires, but it is most effective when paired with smoke alarms. The smoke alarm installation will give an advance warning of fire hazards, which will help with those precious seconds imperative to save a life.
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