Cost and Benefits of Fire Sprinkler Installations

January 26, 2017 2 Comments

A single sprinkler controls a home fire 90 percent of the time, according to the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), saving a majority of a home’s possessions. In addition, the average fire loss in a house with a sprinkler system is $2,166 as opposed to $45,019 in a home without the protection (Source: Home Fire Sprinkler Coalition).

It is inevitable that fire sprinkler systems really help save lives and reduce property damage, but it is not necessary to spend a huge amount of money for installation. Fire sprinkler installations are estimated to make up around 1% of the total building cost, but the pay off far exceeds the cost when a fire situation occurs. In perspective, the cost is similar to having new carpeting installed. Here are some tips about the cost and benefits of fire sprinkler installations:

  1. Hire a licensed contractor for installation. Although it is tempting to have a do-it-yourself project, it is NOT recommended to install a fire sprinkler system by oneself. There are NFPA Codes/ Standards that have to be followed and materials which needs to be approved so it is best to leave the safe and proper installation to a professional.
  2. The cost of installing home fire sprinklers averages $1.35 per sprinklered square foot for new construction, according to a Home Fire Sprinkler Cost Assessment report from the Fire Protection Research Foundation (Source: AFSA).
  3. A home that has fire sprinklers installed is actually worth more than one without.
  4. Fire sprinkler installations also provide discounts on insurance premiums.
  5.  Sprinklers reduce the amount of water used to fight a fire by up to 90 percent as well as water and air pollution generated by a fire (Source).

*Actual home where Senju Sprinklers are installed*

2 Responses

Margaux Ford
Margaux Ford

June 06, 2018

You make a good point in explaining the benefits of having a fire sprinkler system because it can help save lives and reduce property damage. My husband is thinking of installing a fire suppression system at home in case a fire breaks out. It’s good to know that the pay off far exceeds the cost of installing a fire suppression system when a fire situation occurs. We appreciate the tips!


January 16, 2018

The installation of fire sprinklers have turned very important now a days. Although one has to spend at the starting, it will surely keep your house for many years from all the fire attacks.

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